Mother and child standing next to woman holding a "vote" sign

Por qué la sesión legislativa es tan importante y cómo participar

Por Zully Rodriguez | Organizador comunitario de PCA Nuestro sistema de gobierno nunca ha sido automático. Si queremos que nuestros hijos crezcan en una verdadera democracia, no solo una con elecciones, sino una en la que cada voz importe y cada voto cuente, necesitamos nutrirla y protegerla. Hoy la responsabilidad recae en todos nosotros. – Barack Obama, Declaración sobre el …

Mother and child standing next to woman holding a "vote" sign

Why the legislative session is so important, and how to get involved

By Zully Rodriguez | Community Organizer for PCA “Our system of government has never been automatic. If we want our children to grow up in a true democracy, – not just one with elections, but one where every voice matters and every vote counts, we need to nurture and protect it. Today the responsibility falls to all of us.” – …

PCA Family Recipes: Celebrating Posada with community culinary traditions

Every year, to bring our community together and celebrate the holiday season, we host our Holiday Posada.  It is a joyous occasion where we open our doors all day to share food and gather with our community. Local parents, childcare providers, community partners, and community members bring dishes to share that are traditional to their holiday celebrations. While we are …

Glass jars with dollars and text: house,car, travel, education

El reto PCA: Fondo de ahorro para emergencias.

Por Zully Rodriguez | Organizador comunitario de PCA ¡Se descompuso la lavadora! ¿Y ahora… quién podrá ayudarme? ¿Mi mama? ¿Mi tío? ¿La casa de empeño? ¿Un préstamo con el título de mi carro que me cobrará un interés exagerado y que terminará causando más dolores de cabeza? Justo cuando se descompone el refrigerador o la batería del carro muere, es …

Glass jars with dollars and text: house,car, travel, education

The PCA Challenge: Creating an Emergency Savings Plan

By Zully Rodriguez | Community Organizer for PCA This blog was originally written in Spanish My washing machine is broken! And now…, who is going to help me? My mom? My uncle? The pawn shop? A car title loan that will charge me an outrageous interest rate and cause me even more headaches? It is just when the refrigerator or …

Child care providers convening around table

Child Care Providers Are Key to Community Well-being — and They Need Our Support

More about Educadores Para los Niños del Futuro, PCA’s Home-Based Child Care Provider Network Fostering the long term development and success of our children starts with supporting the educators who care for them一 child care providers.  While providers typically operate out of a center, many individuals (particularly women of color) provide child care directly out of their private homes throughout …

Mother wearing medical mask helping daughter wearing medical mask with her backpack

¡El regreso a la escuela comienza en 3…2…1!

Por Zully Rodriguez ¡El otoño ya está aquí, el regreso a la escuela comienza en 3…2…1!  ¡Las aulas están llenas otra vez! Después de 2 ciclos escolares con clases presenciales solo de forma parcial, el tiempo de regresar y poner a prueba lo que aprendimos está aquí. Los últimos meses de instrucción en persona del año escolar pasado sirvieron entre …

Mother wearing medical mask helping daughter wearing medical mask with her backpack

Back to school starts in 3… 2… 1!

By Zully Rodriguez This article was originally written in Spanish. The fall is here, back to school starts at 3… 2… 1!  The classrooms are full again! After 2 school cycles with only partial in-person classes, the time to go back and test what we learned is here. The final months of in-person instruction last school year served, among other …

Young son giving a kiss to his mother

Crianza de los hijos post pandemia

Por Zully Rodriguez | Organizadora comunitaria por PCA A poco más de un año de los cierres por la pandemia, después de que la mayoría de nosotros puso su vida en pausa, entramos en una nueva etapa postpandemia. Ha llegado el tiempo de que los padres de familia cuiden de ellos mismos para que puedan sembrar esperanza en sus vidas …